
Saturday, 24 October, 2020. Last chance for honorable action.

According to the conveying from SGM Peace Activity, both country, Jamaica and Nauru has ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
ICAN states the following that "Just one more! Today Jamaica and Nauru ratified the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, meaning we are just one shy of the necessary ratifications for entry into force.
This is such an exciting moment because we know that last ratification is just around the corner. Who will it be? Congratulations to all the countries that have led the way to getting us to where we are today.
Before too long, nuclear weapons will be banned under international law! We hope you’re getting ready, we can hardly wait!".
By the way, it is definite themselves on 
their HP that ICAN is the international campaign to stigmatise, prohibit & eliminate nuclear weapons.

Note: ICAN, https://www.icanw.org

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021.

  I read the following article, "Chile became the 56th country to ratify the landmark Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPN...